If you are looking for natural alternatives to relieve your headaches, here are some ways to soothe them without medication.
For many of us, daily headaches and migraines are a regular part of our day. Finding a natural headache relief can sometimes seem like a never-ending challenge. If you suffer from occasional or chronic headaches, try these home remedies to help ease your discomfort.
When the body lacks water, the brain can temporarily contract because of the loss of fluid. Drinking more water may help to alleviate a headache as well as prevent other ones. Most people will feel relief within half an hour of drinking water.
Try to increase your water intake by drinking water more often, replenishing your electrolytes, and eating water-rich fruits and veggies. Plus, it has incredible benefits for your body and skin overall!
Most healthcare specialists recommend getting between 6-8 hours of sleep every day. Lack of sleep is one of the most common causes of migraines and headaches as well as lack of energy. Try to limit your caffeine intake and reduce screen time as well in order to sleep better and reduce your headaches.
Applying an ice pack or cold compress is an easy, effective way to reduce inflammation & constrict blood vessels that may ease your pain.
Use a cold, wet towel, a cold compress, or some ice and wrap it in a soft towel or cloth. I will numb and dull the pain. Apply it to your forehead, your temples, or the back of your neck. You can also add a few drops of our Head Ease Essential Oil Blend, or a drop of Peppermint or Lavender to the washcloth to increase relief.
One method you must try is applying pressure to certain pressure points on your body. If you feel the headache in your temples, rub on your temples in a circular motion. You can also apply pressure in a circular motion to your eyebrows to relieve pressure caused by eyestrain. And finally, rub the area between your thumb and index for a few seconds at the time (it is believed to relieve not only headaches but other pains as well).
When we started our company, Floris Naturals, our main goal was to offer all natural solutions for pets and people. We believe in the strength of natural remedies and love crafting and creating products that will help you live your best and healthiest life. We created two essential oil blends that will help alleviate your migraines and headaches; our Head Ease Blend is specifically made to target your headaches and migraines, and our Breathe Ease Blend will not only decongest but also help ease those symptoms. To use, you just dilute to 1% and apply to the back of the neck and your temples or simply use our Roll-Ons which are already diluted and ready to use on your pressure points.
You can also use those essential oils in a diffuser or in your bath for natural headache relief. The most common types of essential oils to alleviate migraines and headaches are peppermint, lavender, and basil. Peppermint also helps relieve nausea, and both Peppermint and Lavender help with stress which in turn reduce the headaches and migraines.
Yoga is a great way to alleviate stress, promote relaxation, and reduce tension. Yoga has been known to reduce headaches and increase your well-being overall.
These home remedies are the first step to try at home. But if you’re experiencing frequent headaches and home remedies aren’t helping, talk to your doctor. Essential Oils are not for everyone, so always start by using very little.